About Me

Friday, February 6, 2009

Few More Tid Bits

The picture below of my best friend, Stevie, and I was taken on New Yrs Eve. I hate the way my nose photographed....looks really gross. Also, if you take a good look, on the 3/4 views, the right side has a big bump as the left side if smooth. From a complete side view, as the one with the white hat on, it's pretty smooth and straight.

Almost 10 months out

Well, I am at almost 10 months post op. I had originally planned on having revision rhinoplasty by now, but the timing hasn't been right. Also, the surgeon that I am interested in, Dr. Naderi in Northern VA, requires that you be one yr post op. Additionally, I am planning on doing a figure competition in Richmond, Va on May 16. If I win, my husbands says he'll pay for the revision without balking. :))...as of now, he doesn't really see the need for a revision. Also, I'm training and don't want to be put out by a nose job recovery. So, hopefully, I'll be having a revision in June. My goal is to have the surgeon make the right side of my nose be symmetrical to the left (up near the nasal bridge)by shaving down that big bump, bring my deviated septum to center, and maybe decrease the size of the tip. Not so concerned about the tip as it looks ok to me. Here are some pics from last week...my before pics can be seen in the archived blogs from april 2008.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

6 months out

6 months into it and I am convinced that a revision (small tweak) will smooth out this bump on the right side of my nose. I plan on doing that in Jan or Feb. Here are some recent pics.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

2 months out

Here are some 2 month pics. Still have a bump on the right side of my nose, but a flat, smooth surface on the left. Also, septum is really deviated. I am meeting with my PS this Friday to discuss a revision-just to shave the small bump on the right. I know, trivial....but a pretty nose is what I asked for....and we're almost there!! Needs a little tweaking. :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

3 right views-day 20 and bump!!

Here are some XL views of the bump which is only one the right side of my nose.

19 days post op and kinda bummed

Hey!! Well, after a week and a half of nasal exercises religiously and icing afterwards, I have a bigger bump on the right side of my nose. :( Saw my PS today and he was disappointed. He felt bad that the bump is there. He told me to maybe do one more week of nasal exercises...after that, it won't make a difference. Also, he'll see me back in 6 weeks and if it's still there and the septum is still deviated, he'll schedule me for a revision-ugghhhh-more brutal surgery.

I love the tip and the he fixed my "saddle deformity" (aka dip) in the middle of my bridge, but I got this big ole bum now. What bothers me is the asymmetry-if I'm gonna have a bump, I'd rather it be on both sides than just one.

Anyhow, any comments, tips, advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wed, April 30-post op day 12

Well, here's the latest. Swelling has gone down. Still have bruise under left eye-going away slowly, but surely!! Went to my PS yesterday and he has me doing "nasal exercises" which consist of pressing (kinda hard-it hurts!!) on the right side of my nose as there is a small bump in the bone. He says this will smooth it out. 5 min a day, 5 times a day for a few weeks. I can barely see the bump, but can feel it. Overall, I am very pleased!! :) Off to NY to visit my husband's parents for the week! Thanks again to those who took the time to read my blog and offer words of encouragement!! :)