OK, I've got my camera to work, so here are the last pre-op pics I'd like to post. I see my PS this Thursday for the final pre-op visit, then off to surgery on April 18. My best friend, Stevie, is coming over the morning of surgery and we're going to get manis and pedis before surgery so at least my nail and toes will look good in the operating room. :) No, really it's so I can relax. :) I'm throwing in a pic of Stevie with me the night before my breast augmentation and also us in NYC this past FEB...she so graciously also excorted me to my breast augmentation 2 years ago-such a trooper. :)
P.S. I look dead in these pics as I did them in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep-gotta love makeup......it does a face good.
If only I could be there to watch the actual surgery... that'd be awesome!
Can't wait for your big day! One of these days our rolls will be reversed. ;)
Pretty pics!! Be sure to check with your PS on your pre-op visit and make sure you can even have painted nails in the operating room. That was on a list of do's and dont's that they gave me before the surgery. For some reason it said to come with NO nail polish on whatsoever. Its prob not a big deal but just make sure, it would be awful to get to the operating room only to have to take of your new nail polish :-P Take care!!!
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